5 Feet of Fury

Muslim activists demand special treatment in U.S. workplaces

My latest post at Examiner.com:

Increasingly, large companies like Swift, UPS and McDonald’s have been sued by Muslim employees demanding the right to wear religious garb, pray on company time and refuse to handle pork.

These expensive legal battles do more than just raise prices for customers and drain company coffers. Employee morale suffers (and with it, productivity) as workers view each other with suspicion and resentment.

The number of such cases accelerated in the 1990s, according to an exhaustive 2007 survey by Jeffery Breinholt at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. Historically, he explains, Arabs had been considered “Caucasian”, but in 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court “established that Arabs were an ethnic minority for purposes of our federal anti-discrimination laws.”