5 Feet of Fury

There really are two Americas

Someone at MediaMatters is paid actual money to run what is called “hour by hour coverage of the Rush Limbaugh Show.”

No, really.

I’m serious.

But what continues to amaze me (for some reason — you’d think I’d be used to it by now) is the Left’s insistence upon simply reprinting the Right’s “outrageous comments” (as MediaMatters calls them) without even bothering to add a contradictory counter-argument.

These “outrageous comments” are so de facto “outrageous”, according to the Left, that they need merely be repeated and their inherent “outrageous-ness” will be readily apparent to any thinking person.

Of course, half the folks reading these “outrageous comments” are going, “er, yeah, and?”

Before the break, Steyn took a call from a union worker who explained that he agreed with 95 percent of everything he and Rush said, but had to disagree with Limbaugh’s position that AIG executives should receive their contractually mandated bonuses, but that unionized auto workers should have to renegotiate their contracts — a novel position we’ve identified in the past. Steyn’s response was to characterize GM as a “retirement home” with an “unsuccessful car-making subsidiary.”

Exactly. And? What?