5 Feet of Fury

“More Please: Civil Rights Activists Disrupt Trump-Assassination Porn”

John Nolte‘s must-read:

If the “muh principles” plan is to win elections by appealing to the “better nature” of the American voter, please take a look at who currently resides in the Oval Office. Please note that it is not one of the 16 GOP “muh principles” weaklings, but rather a street fighter, a badass who gives as good as he gets, someone who understands that the “better nature” of the American voter doesn’t involving fecklessly waving the white flag of “muh principles.”

Abraham Lincoln suspended habeus corpus. Had he fought for our principles instead of the Rebellion, Democrats would still own all their slaves.

It was not an American principle, even in 1941, to launch a virulently racist demonization campaign against an entire race of people (the Japanese). Nor was it an American principle to drop atomic bombs on cities filled with tens of thousands of women and children. But we did those things because had we done otherwise the existential war for our principles would have been lost forever.

The Civil Rights movement was not “peaceful.” Far from it. Certainly it was non-violent, but non-violence is not the same as peaceful. In pursuit of the most righteous of causes, and after decades of standing by their lofty principles, the freedom riders dropped their op-ed pens and took to the streets, ignored the law, disrupted lives, violated private property rights, openly taunted their enemies.

In other words, through the art of civil disobedience, they sued for peace.

And it is now time that we sue for peace, and do so through the art of non-violent, civil disobedience.

As a means to call attention to an injustice, it is neither an act of “silencing speech” nor “snowflakism” to enter the heart of the enemy and TEMPORARILY disrupt a monstrous gathering. To say otherwise is intellectual dishonesty. The injustice these protesters attacked has nothing to do with a snowflakey inability to handle a play, but rather the hypocrisy of a rodeo clown media sponsoring such a play and the simple fact that until these bullies feel the pain of their own tactics, the war against us will never cease.

Equally essential push back in the comments, though, such as:

And the Justice Department needs to go after cities like Portland as well as colleges that refuse to provide police protection for those who are trying to exercise their Constitutional rights of speech and assembly. If Sessions did this, perhaps the Alt-Right wouldn’t be so frustrated that Social Justice Warriors are “winning”. Perhaps it’s time for them to direct their anger to him.

Good points.

The alt-right/light should (also?) publicly shame those in legitimate authority who refuse to do their duty. For instance, launching civil rights cases against those who prevent them from speaking.