5 Feet of Fury

Jim Goad: William Shatner tells the truth about feminism. Feminists freak out.

Jim Goad writes:

World-renowned space-traveler and recording artist William Shatner upset wide swaths of the progressive sci-fi nerd community last week when he dared to allege that women sometimes hate men.

Writing on Twitter—which, for better or worse, is the closest the public has to an agora these days—Shatner was responding to some foo-foo pseudo-academic essay regarding what Star Trek’s Captain Kirk character can teach us about gender equality in a postmodern/post-gender society, or something like that, because I have to confess I didn’t read the article and would frankly rather have long knitting needles shoved forcefully through my ears than ever have to read, or even ponder the existence of, such an article again.