5 Feet of Fury

My NEW Taki’s column: Martin Luther King, Pussy Grabber

The comments will be “JOOOOOO!”-y because “King was a communist and the ‘JOOOOOOOZ’ invented communism.” That’s my guess, anyhow.

Except “allegations” isn’t quite the mot juste, because that word carries a strong odor of gossip and inaccuracy.

And King’s sexual misconduct has not only been testified to by former assistant director of the FBI Charles D. Brennan, but has also been relayed matter-of-factly by respectable liberal historians like David Garrow.

During the Senate’s 1983 debate on whether or not to inaugurate the King holiday, Brennan asserted that his evidence included a “great quantity” of “transcripts, recordings, photos and logs” that had been “labeled ‘obscene.’” That material had been sealed by court order until 2027, and the Senate itself was denied access.

However, Professor Garrow—whose third book about King won the Pulitzer Prize, and who served as a senior adviser on the highly regarded Eyes on the Prize documentary series—seems to have somehow gotten past that seal. He asserts that this material includes (these are Garrow’s words):

…a long and extremely funny storytelling session during which King
(a) bestowed supposedly honorific titles or appointments of an explicitly sexual nature on some of his friends,
(b) engaged in an extended dialogue of double-entendre phrases that had sexual as well as religious connotations, and
(c) told an explicit joke about the rumored sexual practices of recently assassinated President John F. Kennedy, with reference to both Mrs. Kennedy, and the President’s funeral.