UPDATE: This is a joke, right…??
“I pledge to be a servant to our President and to all mankind because together we can, together we are, and together we will be the change that we seek.”
Got yer drinking game right here:
I’m on deadline, and have over 400 emails, so I’ll be keeping busy, avoiding tv, and hitting the treadmill around noon to avoid the speech.
I’ve saved up a bunch of talk radio podcasts, too.
Speaking of which: Mark Steyn’s on Dennis Miller’s radio show this morning at 10:15AM
You might consider joining Twitter, and chat with folks. You could “follow” me, and check out some of the people I follow for fellow conservatives, like Michelle Malkin, John Hawkins at RightWingNews and Hugh Hewitt) Should be a busy day over there.
Oh, and Wendy has a nice post up about George Bush at her blog.
UPDATE: Kate picks up on that photo above, and quotes Mark Helprin…
The politician will revel with his people and enjoy their enjoyments. The statesman, in continual stress of soul, will think of destruction. As others move in the light, he will move in darkness, so that as others move in darkness he may move in the light. This tenacity, that is given to those of long and insistent vision, is what saves nations…