5 Feet of Fury

Steve Sailer: Puerto Rico is all banana, no republic

When I was a kid, you heard a lot about “Puerto Ricans” on TV. The words were a punchline.

Archie Bunker was always complaining about them, and of course, there was West Side Story.

Then I didn’t hear much except for the Puerto Rican Day thing in New York where women always get attacked.

Today, Steve Sailer writes:

About three-fifths of all Puerto Ricans now live on the mainland.

That’s an important fraction to be aware of because we are often told that only a small percentage of the 6.1 billion people who live in the less developed nations would bother to decamp for the first world under a policy of open borders. But the experience of Puerto Rico, which is hardly poor (GPD per capita is near triple the world average), suggests that if allowed, third worlders would keep coming until life in America and Europe declines to third-world conditions.

Puerto Rico’s slow depopulation due to corruption and ineptitude is particularly interesting for what it shows us about how the establishment’s invade/invite philosophy undermines civic responsibility and moral accountability. While nationalism encourages stewardship, globalism licenses Puerto Rican-style exploitation and shoddiness.