5 Feet of Fury

Talk Radio Watch: Recapping the week in U.S. conservative talk radio, with audio highlights

Grab a coffee and enjoy audio and video clips from the best in American conservative talk radio this week, including:


Mark Steyn to Hugh Hewitt on Hillary’s shameful Benghazi testimony:

Do you know what the issue for me in this election is? You know, you can have philosophical discussions about left and right, and conservatism and liberalism. And as I’ve said to you before, the Swedes come by their liberalism more or less honestly, so do the Norwegians. It’s the corruption here. This woman is corrupt, and she, and at a critical moment on a critical date in American history, she opened her mouth and vomited forth a sewer of lies that everybody else is supposed to just try and swim their way through to find out the reality of what went on. And if you’re a foreign government leader, you know the truth. If you’re the American people, you get lied to.

Adam on the bombing of the Doctors Without Borders thing — and challenging Drew’s “HLN” bullshit about black crime: