5 Feet of Fury

Guardian buries, if not quite the lede, then an interesting fact about Swedish school stabbings

The inspectorate found a high turnover of staff, who lived in fear of some students [cough cough] and struggled to keep order.

It sounds like this attack was more or less a revenge killing in response to this one earlier this year

Sweden is clearly in denial about what happens when you import huge numbers of people whose culture is the precise opposite of your own.

It is now the rape capital of the world because of Muslim immigration.

Of course, this idiot has (besides killing two people) set back the growing anti-immigrant right movement there and elsewhere.

In an atmosphere like the one described below, it’s a wonder this is the only blowback incident of its kind we know of.

If Sweden hadn’t welcomed so many foreigners, against the will of its people, neither the IKEA stabbings nor this one would have happened, obviously.