5 Feet of Fury

That relief you feel when you find out it isn’t just you…

I recently found out (I forget how this came up) that actor Adam Goldberg (“Mellish” in Saving Private Ryan, and the star of The Hebrew Hammer) is only half Jewish.

How is that possible?

He looks like a Warsaw ghetto “wanted” poster.

What would 100% Jewish look like??

Goldberg was the most recent guest on Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast, and guess what the first topic was?

“I found [this news] very upsetting,” said Gottfried.

Goldberg: “Yes, this is a source of some consternation and I daresay disappointment to some people…”

He explains that his non-practicing Catholic mother is “non-Jewish German,” at which point Gottfried said, “I’m not sure I want you as a guest!”

(PS: Neither he nor Gottfried were bar mitzvah’d.)