Mark Steyn writes:
Well, because the American sports establishment are even bigger politically correct eunuchs than the Republican establishment.
Re Curt Schilling, before I get the usual boring mail about how “this is nothing to do with the First Amendment, Steyn. A private company is entitled to do whatever it wants”, yes, yes, yes, so bloody stipulated. I’m not talking about laws or regulations or constitutions, but about something bigger – the loss of a culture of speech, indeed the loss of a culture that accepts as a feature of free society the legitimacy of difference of opinion. “Diversity” necessitates ruthless uniformity, so that even the most prominent, popular and successful celebrities in the land cannot point out the obvious without being utterly ruined – which means that Mister No-Name of 27B Elm Street should just shut up and keep his head down.
Speaking of “employment at ESPN”…