5 Feet of Fury

‘…subliminal messages littered throughout the various media comprising the Star Trek franchise have contributed greatly to homosexuality among science geeks’

Jim Goad writes:

As far as I can discern, the gist of Takei’s message is that if a real black person who grew up in the segregated South doesn’t think exactly like a Democrat, their blackness suddenly and magically disappears in a puff of smoke. And Takei is qualified to call Thomas’s blackness into question because although he’s not technically black like Thomas is, he’s a pole-smoking concentration-camp survivor and thus holds two Oppression Cards to Thomas’s one.Ah, sweet delicious intersectionality, where no one who ever claims to have been oppressed can ever get along with anyone else who’s oppressed because they’re always competing about which one of them was more oppressed! Who needs a television when you can just sit at the corner of Identity Avenue and Oppression Street and laugh at this never-ending unfolding sitcom?