5 Feet of Fury

’15 Kinds of American Conservatives: A helpful primer for Canadians’

David Swindle writes (and btw there are lots of suggestions for follow up reading…)

Queen Ann’s Right: Cable News Counterculture Comedian Conservatives
Shocking, I know: Ann Coulter is her generation’s most significant polemicist, media activist, and political philosopher. She is the WFB/Thomas Sowell of the X-er Boomer Blends. This sounds like total madness to people who only know Coulter from her cable news theatre performances. Those who have read her books and taken her seriously have a very different understanding which I’ll try and explain more soon.

The Post-9/11 Right: Counter-Jihad Crusader Neo-Neo-Conservatives
The shock of America being assaulted by Jihadists provoked some (but not many) leftists, “liberals,” and Democrats to begin confused shifts right-ward, making their focus Islam and the Muslims suffering under Shariah, much as a previous generation of neoconservatives focused on the people oppressed under Communism.

Andrew’s Right: New Media Counterculture Crusader Conservatives
In founding and leading Breitbart.Com, the late, Great Andrew Breitbart built on the New Media work that Drudge started, and now that he’s gone it’s people like Adam and David, Ben and Jeremy, and Ezra and his Rebels carrying on his tradition of fighting the media by BECOMING the media.

The Pageview Right: Clickbait Conservatives Conquer
Newsflash: “Blogging” is now almost 20 years old! It’s “Old Media” at this point and virtually all of the tricks for growing a readership and attracting attention to an important message have now just been turned into a way to profit selling product to the “conservative audience.” Almost 30 years after Reagan and how can we tell who really believes in making the world better versus who just wants to manipulate your emotions to take your time and money?