I actually learned about 80% of this stuff just by paying attention only half the time in Catholic school.
It’s a shame we need lists like “91 Things Every 18-Year-Old Should Know,” but boy, do we ever.
Then again: if you read biographies of the Founding Fathers, you’ll discover that most of them were borderline addicted to reading and making lists like this, especially George Washington.
I would only add:
* When you turn 30, nobody cares what you did/learned in high school/college anymore. Please shut up about it, and that time you and your friends all did XYZ. Unless I was there, I don’t care. And if I was there, I probably want to forget.
* “Life is high school with money” only if you hang around with really dreadful, shallow people.
* Never go to bed angry at your spouse. (It’s in the Bible and everything.)