Via Robert Spencer, who adds:
Actual fascists and racists are abhorrent, and no one should make common cause with them. But the real threat to Europe is not from tiny fringes of genuine neo-Nazis and their ilk (genuine as opposed to those who are falsely accused of being in this camp), and there is no real danger of anyone making common cause with such people anyway.
The real threat is from the Islamic jihad, which proceeds apace to encroach upon European liberties — the freedom of speech, the equality of rights of all people before the law — while some stand by, effectively indifferent to that jihad, and instead direct their energies to defaming decent people who are trying to do something to resist its advance.
Yesterday, many of us watched tv documentaries showing the cemeteries around Normandy.
I fear we may live to see the day that beligerent Muslims desecrate those cemeteries, starting with the Star of David markers, then moving on to the “crusader” crosses.
I hope I’m wrong.