5 Feet of Fury

If you can read this, I guess I didn’t block you yesterday during #JeSuisCharlie

If I did, and you’re here anyhow for some reason because you somehow survived your Smug Moral Preening overdose:

I’m not sure how you could possibly be a “long time fan of mine” if you thought I’d react positively to you tweeting, while the blood was still being wiped off the walls, that the dead cartoonists weren’t “heroes” because Charlie Hebdo “was a rag anyhow.”

I don’t have time for your “Catholic grad school” Jesuitical high-minded hairsplitting right now, or possibly ever.

You boasted about owning a gun.

What is it loaded with? Nuance?

If you’re the “I am NOT a liberal!” guy from Vancouver who “hates all religions,” how’s about putting down the bong and hating Islam just a little bit more for at least a couple of hours?

Even Richard fucking Dawkins managed it.

Thank you for calling me a “xenophobe.” Ya got me there with your Harding Administration insults. I had to calm my nerves with a nice Sarsaparilla.

I’m glad your libertarian dope-smoking open borders philosophy makes you feel all snugly and popular with your dope-smoking friends.

It’s getting other people killed, though, so…

Dear Same Dude:

Don’t dare tell me there were only “a hundred” Muslims at this rally because you’ve “seen the video.”

I was there you little shit and there were thousands.

And also I will swear as much as I fucking want to.

That’s why I called this guy (and his prophet) a fucking faggot or whatever I tweeted at him.

I don’t want to have “a rational conversation,” either now or “going forward.”


(As Theo Van Gogh found out.

(Also? Here’s a helpful fact sheet about the Crusades.

(Did you know by the way that twice as many Catholics were killed by leftwing atheists during the Spanish Civil War than “heretics” were killed during the 350 year Spanish Inquisition?

(And that Muslims killed the same number of people in one morning, on 9/11?

(Also? The word “God” on those fucking Nazi belt buckles had been there for 100+ years before Hitler was even born.

(I had this entire fight on national TV with someone who was way smarter than you. It started in the Green Room, when I informed him that “scholarship on the Crusades has evolved considerably since you were in Sixth Form.”

(I like to think THAT is what killed him. Finally. Jezuz.

(So do not get me started.

(If you think that, even as an atheist, and the most powerful man in the country, Hitler was going to order that word to be removed, then you also have to imagine that a Really Evil President of the United States, Who Was Like Damien the Antichrist Or Something, would order the stars and stripes removed from U.S. military uniforms, ever. Think about that mentally.

(Do you also have any fucking idea how sick I am of still posting these same goddamn links after 15 fucking years??)

I don’t care, therefore, whether or not these, those or any other cartoons past, present or future “contribute” to such a “converfuckingsation.”

And to the woman who introduced me to poetry 30 years ago, which means I wouldn’t have a career without you (and I may have dedicated one of my books to you but can’t remember right now):

No, this was NOT in fact the “time to remember what Jack Layton said on his deathbed.”

Fuck “love.”

Fuck “understanding.”

I’m not “full of fear.”

If you don’t hate the Muslim scum who killed those people — if you don’t want to kill them back — you are NOT THE SANE, MORAL, NORMAL ONE in this “conversation.”

Yes, I AM going to violate Godwin’s Law:

The SS are banging on your door and you’re going, “Well, the Treaty of Versailles was pretty shitty…”

