5 Feet of Fury

‘Now as a philosophical matter I share Kathy Shaidle’s distaste for the 501(c)3-ification of American life…’

Mark Steyn writes:

When you buy a SteynOnline gift certificate or a Mann vs Steyn T-shirt or my free-speech book, that is taxable income and a commercial transaction. Because that’s the way it has to be until Congress gets serious about re-asserting its powers and abolishes the IRS and replaces it with a constrained agency and a simplified tax code more appropriate to a civilized society.

So I will see off the climate mullahs without any tax breaks. I thank you for your support and, whether or not I’m pledging my sacred honor, I do pledge this – that no information about SteynOnline readers or customers will ever be disclosed to a government agency. Which, if necessary, means I’ll be pleading the full John Koskinen – whoops, sorry, I reversed over the hard drive on the way to testify.