5 Feet of Fury

Taki: ‘Islam and race is keeping them down’

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa where 350 tribes speak 250 languages. Yes, 350 tribes speaking 250 languages, and without intending a pun, the problem is hardly black and white. Nigeria is, statistically, the richest country in Africa, but its oil and gas wealth is pillaged by a tiny ruling minority elite, one you sometimes see flying in first class covered in jewels and laughing rather loudly. Another way of recognizing this tiny elite group is by their weight. Every man, woman, and child is very, very overweight. And, I hate to admit, most likely of the Christian persuasion.

Which brings me to the real problem of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. There is not a single institution that functions properly in Nigeria or in Africa, the few that do being leftovers from white rule in South Africa.