5 Feet of Fury

How Uncanny Was My Valley? My NEW Taki’s column…

…looks at the “BoyfriendTwin” phenomenon:

Nerve.com called it “the strangest phenomenon you’ll see today,” and this is the same website that offers up a sexually explicit interview with comedian Hannibal Buress, in which he remembers one groupie who “wanted me to flick pickle juice into her eyes.”

BoyfriendTwin is a Tumblr site—its motto: “What’s sexier than dating yourself?”—that collects photographs of male couples that look alike. Really, really alike. More so than some twins you’ve seen.

Now, maybe I’m dating myself, but I happen to know that so-called “clones” have played a big part in gay culture since before Stonewall. But these BoyfriendTwin guys have taken it to the next creepy level.