5 Feet of Fury

The irony! It burns!

WND’s Google AdSense account has been suspended, supposedly because they carry Colin Flaherty’s articles about black mob violence.

(Rule for living: The “official” reason for anything — from why you got dumped to why you got fired — is never the real reason, although the one in this case sounds more plausible than most.)

Note: this story about a conservative news and commentary website appears on another news and commentary website, and was written by a guy who runs the newest conservative news and commentary website.

They say talking to yourself is a sign of insanity.

And they’re right!

WND has been around since the 1990s. Why others feel obligated to duplicate the work they do, and do well, instead of creating something conservatives could really use — a decent movie or television show, an alternative social networking or file storage/sharing platform that isn’t owned and operated by censorious liberal fascists — continues to annoy me no end.