Internet Explorer? Bill Gates can sound like a cross between Margaret Sanger and Paul Ehrlich.
Google Chrome? Google is, if anything, more politically correct in the Frankfurt School sense of the phrase than either company.
As Mark [Steyn] noted, “The Internet is built by people who are smart and savvy and ‘think outside the box’ in technological terms — and on everything else are as conformist as the dreary obsolescent hacks at the dullest Gannett monodaily.”
UPDATE: Binks has links to all alternative browsers:
Browsers matter: it’s your interface with the digital world of The Interwebs, Facebook, e-mail, and should ease your browsing without getting in the way, helping too much, snooping for the company or the NSA, crashing, or getting into bloody politics.
Thus Ed Driscoll asks.. if you dump Firefox, what then? Easy, says semi-geek Binks.