5 Feet of Fury

Gavin McInnes talks about his new movie, How To Be a Man


These days he’s somewhat obsessed with the whole “being a man thing.” But maybe he always was — at least he thinks he’s no different today from when he was in the band Anal Chinook as a 18 year-old punk rocker.

“I don’t think that I’ve ever changed. I’m still an anarchist punk rocker teenager, still hate the government and do offensive shit. I guess I’m just an offensive person.

Maybe it’s being Canadian. We always say fuck. We’re kind of a low-class people. Hosers are rednecks.”

I remind him that Canadians have a reputation of always being polite.

“Yeah, there’s an interesting dichotomy because they do fight and it’s dealt with in a song called ‘Out for a Rip.’ Yes we are polite but we fight a lot.”