5 Feet of Fury

Why Mark Steyn has ‘no use’ for Dinesh D’Souza — but is still on his side

Steyn explains:

Well, we disagreed over his appalling book a few years ago, and, on my brief acquaintanceship on that cruise, I found him somewhat unappealing. I don’t dislike him as strongly as many other conservatives apparently do. But that’s the point: We’re not showing solidarity with D’Souza because we like him, but rather for the obvious point that civilized people do not gloat when overbearing state power descends unjustly and arbitrarily even on those they revile — a virtue that seems lost on the gleeful lefties.

The cuffs, the bail, the internal exile: Sick, sick, sick. And Americans should be ashamed of themselves for putting up with it, presumably on the quaint belief that as long as they keep their heads down they’re unlikely to catch the eye of their so-called “Justice” Department.