5 Feet of Fury

Courtney Love, Ari Up on Patti Smith

“I grew up on Patti Smith, worshipping Patti Smith and she always gives me this hairy eyeball. I’m seriously going to sit down and write her ass a letter if [she] keeps doing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ and keeps evoking Kurt. Now she becomes the guardian of the dead people. That’s her trope. My friend planned Allen Ginsberg’s funeral with her and they got into a huge fight because she has like no sense of humour.” (…)

“In 2010, I was in the lobby of the Mercer and Karl said ‘What are you doing in a tutu?’ and I said ‘I have a new record out, this is my Gaga look—this is my meat dress’ and he goes ‘You’re never getting laid in a tutu.’ That was when I stopped wearing my kooky clothes.”

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