Stormfront has declared my husband and I anathema, except I’m not sure they can spell that, and it sounds kinda “papist” anyhow…
And, even funnier, they claim I’m in league with Bernie “Kathy Shaidle is a racist” Farber, who is bestest friends with The Guy Who Is Suing Us.
Ha!! Don’t be naive!! That’s just part of the Zionist Worldwide Conspiracy Incorporated LLC!! Those Jooooz be so clevers!!
Not as funny as the other website out there that claims I’m an anti-Semite, which would come as startling news to my writing client, the New York rabbi.
Why am I an “anti-Semite”?
Because… Bernie Farber doesn’t like me.
What’s that line from The Princess Bride? “I don’t think that word means what you think it means…”