5 Feet of Fury

Dear American commenters at HotAir: Bragging about how stupid you are is not attractive

Canada — our taxes are lower. Our umemployment rate is too. Fewer business-killing regulations.

Because we have “loser pays” — you are the only nation that doesn’t — we have FAR fewer zillion dollar crazy lawsuits over trivialities.

We ingeniously decided not to give free mortgages to welfare bums, so our housing and banking systems are relatively sound.

And luckily, Canada is too cold for cotton — an accident of nature that’s saved us trillions in slavery reparations and prison costs, not to mention human misery. (We have enough lingering problems with the French and the Indians as it is…)

Bonus? We send our Mexicans back home every year at the first frost 🙂

It’s revealing that when faced with the choice between “siding” with braindead leftist elites vs. another country you might actually learn something from, you “smart” “conservatives” still picked the former and come off looking like smug little bumpkins.

Enjoy three more years of Obama, eh?