5 Feet of Fury

My NEW PJMedia post: Joni Mitchell — Blackface and Bigotry

Comments already heating up a bit…

I don’t have a lot of fond memories of my hometown, either.

And I share Mitchell’s (apparent) disdain for Bob Dylan and First World feminists and “free love,” which she rightly calls “a ruse for guys” to “get laid.”

I applaud her for giving her baby up for adoption when when she got pregnant at nineteen.

(Although I presume Mitchell would growl something about “having no choice.”)

(Also? Am I alone in my disappointment that the father of that child didn’t turn out to be one of Mitchell’s fellow coffeehouse performers like Neil Young or Leonard Cohen? Can you imagine the voice on that kid?)

But her idiotic “cue-the-banjos” ,”Deep South” boogieman is deplorable, although typical of the 1960s/70s era liberal she is.