“But why marry a Beatle in the first place? The Beatles may have made some of the best pop music of the twentieth century, but they were largely horrible people who sent out a horrible message. (…)
“John Lennon was a truly horrible character: a drug-taking, allegedly wife-beating, air-headed utopian whose legacy is that ultimate Stalinist anthem: ‘Imagine.’
“Mills and McCartney are both children of the hippy era, which I think explains her behaviour. The hippies were utopian, deluded, egomaniacs — and fundamentally very stupid. Think Neil from The Young Ones. They had this infantile delusion, which still permeates our society, that when bad things happen it is a sign that the order of the world is somehow disharmonious, and that as a remedy — in that most hideous Blairite mantra — ‘something must be done’…”