5 Feet of Fury

‘The threat of losing your cushy high end think tank or teaching job only has power when you expect to keep that high end job’

(Language warning):

 But people with heretical opinions now expect to lose their jobs.  It’s not something shocking and new anymore, so it’s lost a considerable amount of its power.

I, too, have been “fired” by “conservatives” and “conservative institutions” — who initially hired me to “be myself” and because I’m so “brilliant” and so on.

Then one day they are “going in a different direction” or just plain — in one instance — go post-menopausal on you and, I guess, forget to refill their meds.

(You should see THOSE emails…)

So what? Something else comes along.

I’d be way more pissed about being a “moped” if I didn’t have a tiny handful of loyal right wingers I still trust 100%, because of their actions, not their words.

The rest?

Trust no one. Count on nothing.

Also? This is pretty true.

Except for “do your best.” Instead, “do Adam Carolla’s best.” Your “best” may be pretty lame-o.