The Joo-haters are crowding the comments…
“Did Israeli Doctors Force Contraception on Ethiopian Immigrants?” TIME asked, echoing tons of headlines from other news outlets, although most didn’t bother with the question mark.
Behold: Liberals who’ve spent the last half-century pushing Africans to use birth control are suddenly outraged by Israelis pushing Africans to use birth control.
Also? It may not be true.
That the story originated in Haaretz should’ve been the first clue.
Getting your news about Israel from Haaretz is like getting your ideas about life in the tropics from Gilligan’s Island.
As you know, this white supremacist site runs a campaign to attack me in Taki’s comments.
Hard to select just one comment this week for your amusement, but here goes:
Of course, I’ve blasted Holocaust-exaggerators and “Holocaustianity” for years, but so what, right?
One commenter mentions my previous employment by David Horowitz as proof of something or other.
He doesn’t realize that it was Horowitz’s NewsReal that deleted my castigation of phony Holocaust survivors in my post there about Chomsky and Weisel.
So there’s that.