5 Feet of Fury

But ‘Somali refugees and second generation Jamaicans’ are the problem, aren’t they, sweetie?

I don’t live in terror of gangs of teenaged Jews and Japanese shooting up the streets of Toronto. Oddly enough!

UPDATE: a 5FF reader alerts me to this message as of early evening, which he (and I assume everyone else) now gets when they try to read this article.


Here’s a screenshot of the original teaser on the front page:

I guess too many folks were unimpressed by this 24-year-old J-school grad’s suggestion that, for instance, newspapers run local rap song lyrics about Danzig instead of reporting on all the self-evident self-perpetuating problems and sheer human stupidity that makes the dump such a hellhole.

Her toxic combination of smugness and naivete didn’t help, either.

But it was her bitchy condemnation of Rosie D’amato for daring to mention that, according to the evidence of her senses, the residents of Danzig tend to be “Somali refugees and second generation Jamaicans” that really got me.

Poor dear: if you can’t take criticism, you’re in the wrong business.

Or so I would have thought, once upon a time.

PS: “Its” has no apostrophe.

And they wrote “endlessly” about the event? Boy, their arms must be tired!

“Please communicate effectively and intelligently,” Professional Journalists!