5 Feet of Fury

‘Josh Bowman, a professional fundraiser, story-teller, comedian, and blogger,’ whines for gun control


And here is my comment:

I occasionally visit The Good Men Project to peek at the amusing yet depressing spectacle of epic beta male faggotry combined with pomposity and ignorance.

When I read this post I assumed you were an over-educated American liberal, unfamiliar with the studies that show time and again that more guns equal less crime.

I was going to simply post links to the latest mass shooting in Canada, and ask sarcastically, “Is this the ‘gun control’ you were referring to?”

And mention that the first school shooting happened in Alberta Brampton [Ed. I hadn’t had my coffee yet.]

And talk about the Montreal Massacre, too.

Scrolling down to your bio and seeing that you are, in fact, located in Toronto is the rotten cherry on this rancid sundae.

Do you know why 14 women died in Montreal? Because when the Muslim gunman ordered the men in the classroom to leave — they obeyed.

There were enough of them to charge the creep, which is what real men would have done in less disordered times.

But the boys left their female schoolmates to their fate.

You and the “men” at this site are even wimpier and more pathetic than even those scumbags, which I didn’t think was possible.

Please drive your bicycles off the nearest cliff, and take your white ribbons and earnest facial expressions and ironic facial hair and spindly vegetarian arms and sandal-wearing feet with you.

Damn. I forgot to add that around 8000 gun deaths a year in a nation of over 300 million people and hundreds of millions of firearms sounds positively impressive.

Isn’t that something like only 0.0001% of the population?