As I said: You voted for Obama because you were black, or stupid, or both.
Paul Rahe of Hillsdale College says it nicer:
In 2008, the Democrats did the same thing. They had on their hands an inexperienced, recently minted US Senator from Illinois who was — as Joe Biden put it in a candid remark that typifies his propensity for speaking his mind without first thinking about the consequences — “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Never mind, they thought, Obama’s long-standing connections with William Ayers, the unrepentant mastermind of a domestic terrorist bombing campaign in the 1970s. Never mind Obama’s close association with the racist demagogue Jeremiah Wright. Never mind his lack of executive experience, his unfamiliarity with the private sector, and his ignorance of the ways of Washington. With the help of the pliable press, he could be sold — and Americans would congratulate themselves on their lack of racial prejudice if they voted for him.
Now comes the reckoning. For Barack Obama seems to be a one-trick pony. He is very good at delivering a speech if he has a teleprompter at hand, and the first and even the second time that you hear him, you will be impressed. If you bother later to read and re-read the speech you will perceive its emptiness. But few will do that, and by the time that they do, it will be too late.
This is not exclusively a personal attack. Rahe also wisely and calmly critiques Obama’s policy decisions. Do read the whole thing.
I give it a year before America’s Official Blacks(tm) achieve the following conspiratorial consensus:
White people purposely elected an incompetent black man, just to make us all look bad and ruin our chances of getting a competent black man as President for the next fifty years.
Come on: is that really less viable than “the CIA created crack to keep us down”?
(The really sad part is: when Irishmen quip that “God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world,” they’re making a knowing, self-mocking joke that is quite elegant and profound.
(The “crack” thing is just plain stupid.)