5 Feet of Fury

Bernie Farber just keeps bringing the stupid

Now he’s having a fit because one anonymous poster at a website nobody visits is happy about the repeal of Section 13.

Of course, Farber has wasted his adult life hunting down these anonymous posters and shutting down their unread websites.

How sad it must be to realize that you wasted your life chasing a harmless phantom, like a kitten chasing a toy mouse.

As Mark Steyn observed:

Bernie Farber is not a wicked man, but he is a profoundly foolish one—by which I mean that his foolishness will have profound consequences for young Jews growing up in the Trudeaupia he helped make. “Israeli Apartheid Week” is Canada’s gift to the world, spawned in his backyard, on his watch: to soft-leftish university students (i.e., most of them), the conventional wisdom is that Israel is an illegitimate state of murderous war criminals squatting on the land of its victims. Meanwhile, the most prominent and prosperous of Canadian Jewish groups pursues trivia—I don’t mean demanding apologies over his gay T-shirts, but far less entertaining distractions. His lawyers are now in the sixth year of their pursuit of Marc Lemire, a man of no consequence whatsoever to Canadian Jewry but whom they remain determined to notch to their escutcheon of irrelevant penniless shaven-headed nobodies even as Jew-hatred on a scale unseen since the Second World War metastasizes across the Western world.

I’ve witnessed hundreds of flesh and blood Muslims yelling “We need another Holocaust!” on the streets of Toronto, but Bernie was oddly quiet about that.

One major characteristic of liberals and leftists are their poor senses of priority. It’s like they have an inner ear problem and cannot “balance” facts or accurately calculate urgency.


Bernie links to a HuffPo story, which in turn links to the offending website (Stormfront).

Which means that Bernie Farber and HuffPo must be charged with spreading hate speech.

Intention is NO defense under these laws, remember?

You can file your complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission here.

You’ll want to mention Bernie’s friend, too.