I don’t like Trump on the First Amendment, don’t trust him on the Second, and don’t get me started on eminent domain.
However, he’s right about Muslims and Mexicans, so what can I do?
Plus he’s disrupting the hell out of the system while still being part of it. He’s the Sex Pistols candidate.
Trump is a paradox, and I can’t resist a good paradox.
I also can’t resist being a contrarian.
If Trump is on the ups then I’m congenitally predisposed to notice holes in his arguments and those of his more enthusiastic supporters.
Little things like the Charlie Sheen reference here signal a surfeit of enthusiasm, just enough to engage my balloon-pricking instincts.
Expect more of this from me, as I continue to ask: “OK, but then what?” — that is, “What would ‘winning’ look like?”
(PS: Going through Taki’s archives, I see that one of their former writers, Patrick Foy, wrote a “Donald Trump for President” column in 2011.)