5 Feet of Fury

College educated people are WAY more tolerant and sophisticated than you stupid hicks oh wait


Dr. Schuster went to medical school at Harvard and did his residency at Children’s, starting in the early 80s.  I went to medical school at a public university in the Midwest, starting about a decade later.  I would have expected, given its reputation, that Harvard would have been a much more tolerant place, even at the time of Dr. Schuster’s matriculation.

I was quite shocked to read of how rife with blatant homophobia it was. (…)

During my surgery rotation, I got into a confrontation with one of the surgeons after he jokingly referred to brazil nuts as “nigger toes.”  (It was during a discussion of the adrenal glands, which are said to resemble them.)  I stormed out of the room, perhaps inadvisedly, and came back later to make my peace with him.  I rather stupidly thought that would be the end of it.  About a year later, I was told that the same surgeon had been talking about the incident one day in the OR with one of the residents, and referred to me as “that queer.”