5 Feet of Fury

Wasn’t it Sartre who said, ‘Hell is French policemen’?

You know that old joke:

Heaven is English policemen, German mechanics, Italian chefs and French lovers.

And hell…

Anyway: the first Frenchman in history to refuse to surrender — Veni, Vidi, Vichy and all that — finally gets killed.

Meanwhile — and stop me if you’ve heard this one — a number of people, including children, would be alive today, if not for multicultural bureaucratic political correctness:

“The woman, identified only as Aisha, told French daily Le Telegram that Merah had tried in 2010 to recruit her son for the “worldwide Jihad” he was organizing for. She remembered Merah, and said that when she heard what he had done, “I felt as if someone cut off my legs. That they did not stop him was a terrible gaffe on the part of the authorities. I filed complaints against him numerous times, over and over” – but to no avail, she said.”

OBVIOUSLY a racist right wing bigot, that “Aisha”…

PS: Halt Muslim immigration to the West.

UPDATE: more thoughts of Toulouse from LRC…

As I remarked to Kathy earlier today, what we are seeing of course is “Neo” Nazism. This is indisputably the same gleeful spirit of slaughter and sadism, and the same blood lust that has been documented countless times against Jews throughout history-most recently of course in WWII Europe.

So the leftists, the “in-denial” masses, eager to blame these murders on “Neo” Nazis were actually right.  (…)

There is no Jewish “life” in Europe. (…)

Those who can leave, should.

Those who have any fight in them, must.

Those that pursue us will never win.  We will outlive and bury you.

Those souls murdered in cold blood will be avenged.

Those lives matter.