5 Feet of Fury

Let’s do everything we can to make this happen in our lifetimes


    2.  Online education will kill the liberal arts degree.

    4.  95% of tenure-track professors will lose their jobs.


Added bonus: if anyone can study online for a nominal fee, affirmative action in education will not be needed.


And it gets worse: when spread by sources of credit, the only place where credit came from was the US government, which funded a near record $28 billion, all of it going into student loans, even as every other source of credit declined in the month! If this is not the most blatant gaming of headlines, we don’t know what is. But yes, America’s lucky students get ever deeper into debt slavery, only to realize upon graduation that there are no jobs that pay high enough to allow them to pay off this debt. Thank you uncle Sam – may we have another bubble.