5 Feet of Fury

Michael Berry’s show should be VERY interesting this afternoon…

Remember this guy?

Here’s the latest:

The Texas Department of Public Safety, which oversees the concealed carry program, and licenses instructors, said in a statement that “certified instructors are required to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes, and conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion would place that instructor’s certification at risk.”

The department said it had begun an investigation into the matter, and would “take appropriate administrative action based on the findings of from the investigation.”


PS: remember everyone yelling, “Hey, why did those stupid flying schools train Muslims just how to land?! Why didn’t they say anything?!”

Half those “Michael Moore types” are the ones now bitching about this commercial.

Private property rights have not really existed in America since the passage of the Civil Rights Act — which Barry Goldwater warned you all would happen.

UPDATE — what was I just saying…? (zzzzzzzzzz)

Initially, the interview was lighthearted. But it soon turned into [Glenn] Beck challenging Keller over his views on teaching Muslims and ended with Beck imploring Keller to follow the example of Martin Luther King, Jr.


I still can’t decide if Beck’s affection for MLK is sincere or a buttcovering feint.

UPDATE: a further twist, from the comments… (which overwhelmingly disagree with Glenn):

As a fellow Firearm Instructor I understand where he is coming from. Vicarious liability is always a focal point for instructors. If you train someone and they go off and do something crazy, you WILL find yourself in court. It‘s my license and I’m the only one responsible for it. There have been folks that I’ve turned away from my class for different reasons. We don’t need to teach criminals to be better shots than the police.