I was sitting with my special needs son and a gentleman from Poland. He was a biomedical engineer and spoke excellent English. He was very kind to my son. He had worked all over the world.
We were very much simpatico about many topics, although he did seem puzzled about some of my criticisms of the Catholic Church with respect to some of their bad choices. Fair enough.
Then, I mentioned something about 9/11.
He said, completely frankly that he didn’t care at all about 9/11 and that he questioned “the truth” about what happened.
That actually took my breath away. Here I was, talking to a 9/11 Trooofer. (…)
It was astounding to me that an educated person that I had very similar opinions about regarding abortion, communism and other issues, could believe that the 9/11 attacks either did not happen, and that they were perpetrated by the American government.
Actually, educated people are the problem.
Liberals and conservatives alike cling to the Enlightenment/progressive myth that “education is the key,” whatever the real or imagined problem.
But has this whole “teaching everyone to read” thing really worked out?
“Our” educated ones are often just as stupid, blind and delusional as “their” educated ones.