5 Feet of Fury

The only trouble with this post on ‘pro-life idolatry’ is that the people who need to read it most will refuse to

I’m a pro-lifer who hates other pro-lifers. There are lots of reasons why.

Mark Shea talks about other ones in an unforgettable and essential post about idolatry and the pro-life movement’s lapses into paganism:

So whether it’s a PETA idolator fawning over the big brown eyes of a puppy (while wishing humans and their Judeo-Christian God of Dominion over nature would all die), a lover of one’s country putting the glory of the Fatherland above all, or, in our case, prolifers who love babies as the most important things in the universe, the problem is the same: Second things are put first.

Even adorable innocent babies? Yes. Especially adorable innocent babies if that happens to be your weak spot and the place you can be tempted to place the creature before the Creator. And for a significant number of people in our particular time and place, it is the weak spot, precisely because our culture is so hostile to the unborn babe.

We start out defending babies for the sake of Christ and wind up worshipping babies instead of Christ. (…)

With all due respect, the worship of God the Blessed Trinity is even more important than life. That’s not me talking. That’s Jesus Christ: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Declaring that there is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT than life, particularly for a priest, is idolatrous.

It places the second greatest commandment (love your neighbor) before the first (Love God).

That is not, I repeat, bad because the second greatest commandment is bad. It’s bad because the second greatest commandment is second, not first.