5 Feet of Fury

‘My, aren’t you the Princess Prissy-Pants?’ — Mark Steyn re-crushes old foe John Miller

Steyn writes:

Now he’s moved on to Christie Blatchford, and the same question applies: Whose cuttings would you rather have to look back on? Blatch’s or the Shagged Sheep’s?

His attack on Christie over her coverage of events at Caledonia is particularly pathetic because on that story she did what almost every other “journalist” declined to do: She pierced through the euphemisms of multiculti squeamishness to expose the ugly truth. On this as on free speech, Miller is content to play the eunuch in the PC enforcers’ harem: That’s his consistent view of journalistic “integrity”.

PLUS: last night, Mark Steyn helped welcome Michael Coren to Sun News: