5 Feet of Fury

They told me if you voted for John McCain, blacks would riot in the streets, and they were right! (Part Two)

One of my readers writes:

I saw you posted a link to the black mob that attacked white attendees at the Wisconsin State Fair.  While I don’t remember if you’ve posted on these incidents in the past, it’s relevant to note a couple of things:

These riots capped off a day at the State Fair that was started by left-wing union thugs protesting the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, who attended the opening events for the Fair. While Governor Walker gave his address, the crowd shouted “Sic Semper Tyrannis” and other things in an attempt to drown him out. 

These are the same people who recently protested an event for Special Olympics, dressing as zombies who stood between the Special Olympians and Governor Walker, and protested outside Opportunities, Inc., a company that gives jobs to the mentally/physically handicapped because they’re ticked Scott Walker took away collective bargaining privileges for public employee unions (thus closing a $3.6 billion budget deficit without massive layoffs or raising taxes).  This comes after weeks of endless protest at the Wisconsin state capitol, complete with air horns, vuvuzelas, drums, and death threats against Republican state legislators.

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, located in a suburb just outside the northwest side of Milwaukee, moved its Greek fest from the open church grounds to (ironically) the State Fair grounds a few years ago because “youths” were coordinating disruption at the festival. It’s not the only festival that’s been disrupted, either.

After the July 3 fireworks held at Milwaukee’s lakefront, a group of “youths” ransacked a gas station, then robbed and beat people in the Riverwest neighborhood. Video of the attack on the gas station here.

So this isn’t an isolated incident and I’m not buying the story that it was caused because MC Hammer performed at the Wisconsin State Fair last night (I’m betting less than 25% of these thugs even know who MC Hammer was or are old enough to remember when he was actually popular).  It’s a real, ongoing problem in Milwaukee. 

One the community’s liberal “leaders” are avoiding like the plague, maintaining an incredible silence as these black-on-white crimes continue apace.  When the do speak out, if they ever speak out, the “solution” to this problem will be pinned on a lack of “resources” or “jobs” or “community recreation.”  In the Obama economy, I know lots of people who are out of jobs who manage to find the self-control not to riot at public events. Never, ever will the cultural issues that encourage and applaud this behavior be criticized or condemned.

Notice, too, that these mobs always seem to attack at events that are meant for, or frequented by, families.  It’s no coincidence, considering the liberal policies — which are the ideological equivalent of a nuclear bomb — have so decimated the black family in America.