5 Feet of Fury

Atheists: your moral and intellectual superiors!

Apparently there’s a major dust up in Professional Atheist-ville, that goes from Richard Dawkins on down.

Guess what they’re arguing about? Ready?

OK: at some atheist event, some guy said to a girl at 4 A.M.:

“I think you are interesting and want to get to know you better. Would you like to come to my room for a coffee?”

And she got mad at being “objectified” and almost raped in a an elevator BY HIS WORDS or something and now atheists all over the world are fighting about this incident.

Just to be clear:

Individuals whose obvious pride in their own super rational mega-intelligence is one of their most common (and unattractive) characteristics are now arguing vehemently online about…

The semantics of a really bad pick up line and/or an innocent if clumsy invitation to talk — and What It All Means(tm).

See, apparently men “are relying on the fear of rape to grease the wheels towards getting laid.”

I’ve read that sentence five times and still have no idea what it means.

My poor deist’s knuckle-dragging brain is too withered by fairy tales about an old man who lives on a cloud to comprehend it, I guess.

The Other McCain has all the “dirt” (this stuff is painful to read — you’ll feel like you’re back in Grade 7) and concludes:

So the typical atheist event is a Sausage Festival, and atheist guys are lonely desperate creeps with poor social skills whose only interest in women is sexual.

That’s what the proudly atheist Rebecca Watson is saying, and for that I am grateful.

UPDATE: longtime debater-of-atheists and Dawkins watcher, Denyse O’Leary, comments:

Bet Dawkins doesn’t know what hit him. He failed to buy into the “I feel like a victim, therefore my accusations are just” line that governs modern, materialist culture. And that’s just unforgivable