But they’re not even embarrassed. To the contrary, being part of the majority makes liberals feel great! Honey, wasn’t I amazing? I stood in a crowd of liberals and called that conservative a c**t. Wasn’t I awesome?
This is a liberal’s idea of raw physical courage.
When someone does fight back, liberals transform from aggressor to victim in an instant, collapsing on the ground and screaming bloody murder. I’ve seen it happen in a nearly empty auditorium when there was quite obviously no other human within 5 feet of the gutless invertebrate.
My hero Tim Profitt is now facing charges for stopping a physical assault on Senate candidate Rand Paul by a crazed woman disguised in a wig.Bullying is on the rise everywhere in America — and not just because Obama decided to address it. It’s because no one hits back. The message in our entire culture over the last two decades has been: DON’T FIGHT!
There were a lot fewer public confrontations when bullies got their faces smashed.
Via The Blaze, more on the woman whose widely reprinted version of the story has now raised more questions… about her own credibility.
Beck promises to pray for the woman.
UPDATE: Even Van Jones disgusted?!