5 Feet of Fury

All my life, I’ve been hearing about these ‘vicious English soccer hooligans’…

And yet they never seem to be around when one needs them.

(A lot like “moderate Muslims”, come to think of it.)

Shouldn’t this headline be, “London mosque blows up; suspects unknown”?

Geepers, and I’m so relieved the gays “wrote a brave and important letter,” aren’t you?

Unless the letter was laced with anthrax and stuck into the mosque’s mail slot, what good will that do?

Since the cops admit they are worse than useless — they are, in fact, unwilling collaborators in the Muslim takeover of England — when will the citizenry literally fight back instead of “having meetings” and “writing letters”?

Unless Texans are secretly smuggling guns into London, the way Bostonians used to arm the IRA, I’m not feeling very optimistic.

Armed insurrection and/or multi-day street fighting is coming, to the U.S. and parts of Britain. It is only a matter of time.

The politically correct “authorities” will be to blame.