5 Feet of Fury

I was going to ignore the little bitch, but…

Then I would’ve missed Kelly McParland’s rebuke:

That’s how democracy works. Unfortunately, Ms. De Pape appears not to be happy with the system. Something in it does not satisfy her needs.  And what is the outcome of an election involving 15 million voters against the personal views of a 21-year-old student?

There were plenty of ways she could have registered her protest, but there is a lot of competition in the protest business, and standing on a sidewalk handing out pamphlets doesn’t get you on the front page of the Star. So Ms.De Pape worked up her sign, smuggled it into the Senate chamber and revealed it for the photographers. After being heaved out by the sergeant-at-arms, she was ready with a press release and a pal ready to schedule interviews with the media. Very slick. But what about her message?

Stop Harper? Why? Because an election doesn’t produce the result you want? And in favour of what alternative, a ballot of recent university graduates with strong views?

Ms. DePape says Canada needs a local version of the “Arab Spring.” Perhaps she hasn’t noticed, but the Arab Spring is a revolt by oppressed individuals willing to risk their lives for the right to elect their own leaders. They are willing to die so they can make the same kind of democratic decision that Canada just made in electing Mr. Harper.

Why does she want to stop that?

Of course, the “Arab Spring” is really about spreading sharia across the Middle East and beyond, under the banner of “democracy,” but anyway. Good column.

If he had said “supposedly/presented to the West as a revolt…” it would have been perfect.