5 Feet of Fury

Bernie ‘Zombie’ Farber courageously vows to avoid ever getting an actual job


He added that he is taking a leave of absence from Congress to run in the election, and while he intends to win, if he fails in his bid for the Thornhill seat, he’s “ready, willing and able to come back in a senior professional role in a new re-org.”

What exactly that role would be is still in question. (…)

He said he was “immensely proud” of what Congress had accomplished under his watch.

“We have worked especially effectively with interlocutors outside of our community. That’s been the real strength of Congress. For example, when the United Church of Canada was poised to vote on a boycott, divestment and sanctions resolution last year in B.C., CJCwent there to work the room and turned that around. That, to me, is a huge part of our legacy.”

Isn’t that awe-inspiring?

The United Church of Canada — that is, a few hundred white haired atheist Marxists — were threatening never again to buy products they never bought in the first place.

Thank God Zombie Farber was on the scene to “work the room.”

Meanwhile, Zombie Farber has never shown his face at events where it actually mattered, and thinks those of us who do so are “racists,” “bigots” and “white supremacists.”

UPDATE — breaking news: “Police say skinheads have ‘gone away'”

So… Bernie Farber “retires” and the “skinhead problem” disappears, too?

Dude, you shoulda “retired” years ago! More gets done when you leave!