5 Feet of Fury

Halt Muslim immigration to the West, agrees John Derbyshire

Who writes:

Culture-wise, Yemen is Arab and Muslim, with the corresponding gangster-kleptocracy type of government and a fair complement of glittery-eyed fundamentalist Islamic nutjobs.

Vanhanen gives its mean national IQ as 85, a full standard deviation below the white-European mean: although since, as everyone knows, IQ is a completely meaningless measure of nothing whatsoever, we should ignore that. (…)

Yemen is a disorderly place with a strong al-Qaeda presence, and that this has been so for years, why are we taking in Yemenis for permanent settlement? Wouldn’t our lives be easier and safer if we didn’t? Sure, Yemenis who want to come live here would be inconvenienced and disgruntled, but what’s that to us? Why does their desire to live in the USA outweigh our desire for a tad less danger and trauma in our lives?

Why are we admitting for settlement anyone at all from disorderly Muslim nations? It would be perfectly easy not to do so: Just make a list of no-visa nations and post it on the State Department website. If we were criticized for such a thing, why would we care? This is our country. We can let in whom we please. What exactly is the argument against national-origin immigration rules? Our government has an obligation to be scrupulously fair toward all citizens, but where is the obligation to be fair to all foreign nations, to treat placid Iceland and tumultuous Yemen as if they were alike?