5 Feet of Fury

‘These SEALs, these guys who killed bin Laden, earn about $54,000 a year’

What is that, about half the salary of a Wisconson teacher…?

Right after 9/11, my (ex) friends on the Left got all puffed up when anyone tried to blame airport “security” for letting the Muslim terrorists on the planes.

“But those guys at the airport are practically making minimum wage” — so they weren’t obliged too work too hard, you see.

We learned eventually that the real reason one employee let Atta on the plane had nothing to do with her salary. She never mentioned that once. The real reason was that she’d been to enough “diversity and sensitivity training” workshops to know that if she followed her gut instinct — which was to prevent Atta from boarding — she’d have been disciplined, and probably fired, if not sued.

Thousands died on the altar of unionized bureaucratic political correctness.

Some people are prepared to do their jobs — to do the right thing in general — whatever their salary, whatever the cost…

Mark Steyn to Hugh Hewitt last night:

I think this is strong horse/weak horse all in one. If you want highly trained, superbly equipped warriors on a precise, targeted mission, to go in and do what they’re supposed to do, then this is a brilliant operation.

I think when you look at everything surrounding it, including the reaction in Washington, and the facts on the ground in Abbottabad, then I think it’s, we’re deep in weak horse territory, in part because our so-called ally feels it can, in effect, de facto, officially shelter Osama bin Laden, his three wives, and his thirteen children as the Senator said on your show the other day.

And they know, the Pakistanis know they will pay no price for it. That’s real weak horse stuff. That’s serious weak horse stuff. (…)

(t)he Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld view of the world after 9/11 more or less accorded with reality.

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Also in the news is a guy who got stoned off of bath salts and murdered some baby goats, but Adam is more concerned about the comparative qualities of corn and baby corn.  (…)

The show wraps with news of Mariah Carey’s twins, and Adam talks about being the most p-whipped nation with the best military.